Thursday, May 15, 2008

"Mystery" loves company?

The mystery plays of the middle ages were yet another way to spread the good news. And the church powers that be, or were, were happier to think of the peasants watching tableaux of Bible stories rather than stories about the lusty maiden and the cowherd. Then and now, the church and it's adherents just can't seem to leave a nature-loving, going-about-their-business person alone. "Must Push Christ, Must Push Christ!"
I have good Christian friends, who know I'm an atheist, who even like me, I think, but who insist on using every happy coincidence, every serendipitous sign, as a wink and a nudge from the man upstairs. Why? I do not speak of atheism unless I am in a discussion where the subject is apt. It is not part of my daily discourse. Yet, when I'm with certain good friends, they "lovingly" remind me of "his" guiding hand. Even some of my wiccan and pagan friends like to point out that the universe is bestowing natural blessings on our every plan. Why?
I was a believer, now I am not. I understand the urge for support and solace, for validation, I just don't need it. If you need to, go for it. Rationalize your every whim. Imagine that the big guy, or Gaia, or the force, or the universe is gazing benignly on little you and your brief wink of a life. I would rather not.
But while you are pointing out to me how God planned for me to call you, just as you were thinking of me, please ask yourself why you need me to believe. Surely, if he/she/ it exists, it can take care of my non-belief itself. And if you are an appointed agent of this uber-life, trust me, you are going about my conversion in entirely the wrong way. Let me admire your silent confidence in your god. Let me be moved to ask you about the amazing coincidences which support your life. Believe me, should anything strike me as miraculous, or even out of the ordinary, I won't be afraid to ask. And, anytime you want to know about the lovely, happy-to-be-in-this-moment, integrated life of atheism, feel free to ask.


E said...

Cool! I like your first post. I'm glad both MomSpot <-- new name suggestion ? and SingingAethiest are up and running. I gotta get my jam up. Oh yeah, and 4moms layout looks good.

Rachel Nguyen said...


Point taken, LOL.

As one of the offending Christian friends who gleefully points out the existence of God at every opportunity, I apologize! In my defence, I do it with everyone, not just my atheist friends... In other words, it is sort of part of my day to day experience of the world. But it's true that when I jokingly say things like "and you don't believe in God...." I can see how it would be a pain in the butt.

Good thing you like me anyway. And yes, I like you, too! :-)